Everything you need to know about Hollywood Smile

What is Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile states the ideal designer smile as most of the celebrities have. The aim is to get a smile with an ideal set of teeth. The dentists fix their dental impairments, clean and whiten their teeth.

What are the options to fix the dental impairments?

As every person has another body shape, skin type; the needs and requests for teeth may vary from person to person as well.

Dental veneers are the common procedure to get a Hollywood smile. Dental veneers are used to close gaps between teeth, correct misalignment of teeth, restore worn down or chipped teeth.

Which dental veneers are there?

There are 3 types of dental veneers which are Lumineers, composite veneers and porcelain veneers. These types have different degrees of durability and it also depends on the needs of the patients.

The Hollywood smile is not special for the celebrities anymore. If you want to smile like the celebrities, Bestify 

is here to do the best for you!

Talk to one of our friendly advisors.
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