10 things to know and 10 questions to ask for Liposuction

You want to get what you dream about your body and you have heard about the liposuction surgery. However, you want to learn about it before you go through this surgery. Then you are in the right page!

We have collected the 10 things to know and 10 most important questions about the liposuction surgery. Time to learn these questions and also the answers!

1-) Which types of liposuction are there?

There are 3 types of liposuction which are used recently. These are traditional, laser and vaser liposuction. We recommend laser lipousction mostly to our patients even vaser liposuction is most popular right now. Since it is more painless than traditional one and more effective than vaser liposuction.

2-) What is the difference between traditional and laser liposuction?

The traditional liposuction is the common but oldest technique. A cannula is used to remove the body fat from the body. The cannula is a device which moves the fats in your body by using force. Afterward the fats will be pulled out by the machine. Because of using force, the swelling and bruising will be more than laser. That means it will more painful. 

On the other hand, the laser liposuction will send a heat right under the skin to break the fat cells. since the heat will be send, the skin will likely to get stretched and tightened so that you will have less sagging on your requested areas after all those fats removed and also it is less painful comparing to the other liposuction techniques. You will also keep losing the fats from your body with the help of the heat of laser for 6 months which means you will keep more tightened body even after 6 months.

3-) What can the patient do to prepare for the liposuction surgery?

You will already have been instructed by our team about them. You need to stop using medications 2-3 days before the surgery according to instructions of the surgeon. You are not allowed to eat or drink 12 hours before the surgery.

4-) What kind of results should a patient expect after the surgery?

The liposuction is not a surgery to lose weight as most of the patients think. Of course, you will see the change on your body. However, you will have swellings and bruisings and also edemas that is why it may take from 3 up to 6 months to see the best result.

5-) What is the recovery period like?

After a few hours later, you will be walked by your nurses. The most important thing is that you will be here with us in the first week of your recovery period. Your surgeon will see you before you leave for your country and instruct you about the medications and dressings.

6-) Which areas can be performed with liposuction?

There are a lot of areas which can be performed with liposuction: Upper arms, legs, hips, bottoms, breasts, thighs, back, love handles, chin, neck, tummy, waist.

7-) Can I lose weight after liposuction surgery?

As we discussed before, the liposuction does not let you lose weight. However, the excessive fat will be removed from your body. That is why you will have lost weight with the fats removed. Also, you will have more tightened and skinny body even if you do not lose weight with the liposuction.

8-) Which risks does the liposuction have?

As every surgery has some risks, the liposuction has risks at minimum rate. The patients may have risks such as temporary swellings, allergic reaction, bleeding, blood clots etc.

9-) Can I combine the liposuction surgery with another cosmetic surgery?

Yes, you can. Most of our patients prefer to combine the liposuction with another cosmetic surgeries such as tummy tuck, breast reduction, breast augmentation, arm lifting etc.

10-) When can I return to my daily routine after liposuction surgery?

It depends on the routine of patients, sleep balance, eating habits etc. However, you can get back to your daily routine in 1-2 weeks.


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